Summer won't be fun without your best friend, Whether a simple hang out at the mall, out-of-town travels and late night escapades with her everything counts. So here are some of my ways or activities both of you can share to achieve the "The Best friend award":
1. Eat Together!
Friends that eat together, Lasts forever! Make sure to try out new restaurants around the metro.
2. Take Selfies together
Taking pictures together is also a form of bonding. You'll love it more when you keep those photos and see it as you age. Share it also in your social media accounts.
3. Surprise her by giving a touching Facebook posts with your photos.
It doesn't need to be her birthday for you to remember her. A thank you or a quotable quote will do
4. Treat her/him in your payday!
No friend can resist to it. A load, food or coffee maybe?
5. Attend summer workshops.
Make summer meaningful by attending some activities like makeup workshops, dance, acting
or even mermaid swimming.
6. Plan an out-of-town vacation
Make sure to save your allowance or look for deals in the internet for discounts.
7. Try travelling unplanned.
Sometimes the best trips were unplanned!
8. Buy and wear matching outfits
and see how people notice both of you.
9.Give each other a makeover.
Trim her bushy brows, dress her up or beautify her.
10. Exercise together.
Wake up early and go work your bodies off for a healthier and better body. It's better to work out with someone than go run alone.
Pillow fights + movie marathons = best bonding ever
12.Stalk your crushes on FB, twitter or instagram.
13.Help clean her room
Dressing up is always a problem so help her clean the room afterwards.
14,Create quirky videos or song covers and upload it in youtube or other music apps
Who knows, you might be the next youtube singing sensation.
15. Meet your BFF's special someone.
Prepare a little for the Q&A portion.
16.Challenge each other to play and beat each other's scores
2048, Flappy Bird? Game on!
17.Unleash your crafty-side, Look for DIY projects.
Room decorations, Clothing DIY's . Do It With Your Friend
18.Watch a movie you both been wanting.
Watch out for the hot leading men :)
19. Share your phone's internet anywhere,everywhere with her.
Your best friend will love you for this. Tethering... Password Please!!
20. Finally, Communicate with each other often
From girl talks, showbiz gossips to personal matters. Show your friend that you care. Share ideas and concerns. Besides, friendship gets stronger as you communicate and gain trust at each other and for that, A real friend calls using GoUNLI20. With GoUnli20, it’s now easy to call without a need for a prefix and it’s just P20 for unli calls, 15mb of mobile surfing, and 20 texts to all networks! Kaya if you need a friend, don’t call me, I’ll call you!
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I hope you've learned something from this post! Hope you'll be the Best Best friend ever.
Comment below for your suggestions!
Credits to all the owners of the photos!
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